Episode 59

Hospital at Home Care

Join us for an innovative journey through the process of home healthcare delivery. Elliot Wortham and Aaron Mackenzie, strategists at Taylor Design a 2023 ONEder Grant recipient, explore their research and concepts for elevating the well-being of patients and providers in the delivery of healthcare at home. Be inspired by potential solutions aimed at transforming the provider experience, from streamlined medical equipment delivery to creating remote provider lounges. Envision a future where design and technology intertwine to revolutionize holistic at-home healthcare. It’s a ONEder podcast filled with possibilities for tomorrow’s healthcare landscape.

Featured on the Show
There's not a lot of public information about the provider side of this equation. And that's one of the things that we're trying to shed a little bit more light on. It's really important, especially in a time when we've got nurse retention issues, and a massively overstressed healthcare employee population. And it seems remiss if folks who are developing hospital at home programs and they miss the opportunity to create a sort of wellbeing in the workforce when a new model of care is being developed.


CCB: [00:00:16] Welcome to the ONEder Podcast. This is your host CCB, and today's conversation is one of our ONEder Grant recipient teams from 2023. And I'm delighted to have these two folks from Taylor Design join us. And I'm going to have them introduce themselves. But first I want to say, for anyone who's not familiar with the ONEder Grant, it is, we're in our fifth year of hosting this program at One Workplace, and what we do is offer financial grants to design firms who are doing work to advance thinking, insights, research and solutions for human interaction with the built environment. That's a very broad term. And so, we drop it down each year into a theme. And last year's theme, which we're talking about right now, is what improvements might we suggest for well-being for people in the built environment. And that crosses corporate environments, health care environments, learning environments. And Taylor Design has a very interesting set of research and solutions that they're going to share with you. So, I'm going to say welcome to the ONEder Podcast. Who wants to introduce themselves first?

Aaron: [00:01:37] Sure. CCB it's it's great to be here. I think we're really, Aaron and I and on behalf of Taylor Design and Eric who's not here today, we're super excited to be one, on the Podcast, but I think most importantly had a chance to do this research, especially just given how kind of interesting it is in the health care world and that it's public and really important to us in that respect. So one, my name, sorry I didn't introduce myself first, but my name is Elliot Wortham. At Taylor Design, I'm relatively new. I'm our director of strategy and experience design, and I lead up what we sort of call our Design Strategy team here. And my background has been in healthcare. I'm not an architect, in case anybody is wondering. And I've got a master's in health administration and a master's in interaction design. And I've been on the service experience and strategy design part of the health care world for, I don't know, a little over ten years now, places like Cleveland Clinic and a couple other larger health systems and have been really honored to be a part of the Taylor Design team.

CCB: [00:02:49] So excellent. Now I'm going to say welcome to Aaron, and I'm going to give a caveat here. Aaron has very kindly joined us at the tail end of a kind of a monster cold. So, we're going to cut him a lot of slack and use every word as effectively as possible. Aaron, why don't you introduce yourself?

Aaron: [00:03:11] Hi, I'm Aaron Mackenzie, and I'm a senior design strategist at Taylor Design, where I've been for the last six years, working almost exclusively with healthcare clients, ranging from really large academic medical centers down to community-based nutrition organizations to Nobel laureates. It's been a really interesting period of life. I too am not an architect. My background, similar to Elliot's, is in interaction design. So, for both of us, entering into the space of thinking about and designing for the built environment with the frameworks of digital interactivity, best practices from the technology sector affords us a really interesting lens to examine where we are currently and where we might be going. As you mentioned, CCB, we both work at Taylor Design, and Taylor Design is a 100% employee-owned firm that firmly believes that great design can empower people to be and do their best, with offices, staff, and clients across California. Our practice delivers architecture, interior design, medical planning, lab planning and design strategy, which is us to a wide range of clients in the health care, science and technology, higher education, and senior living sectors. Elliott and I do most of our work in the health care space. We're kind of healthcare design geeks, which is a fun club to be in.

CCB: [00:04:30] Excellent. Okay, I'm going to stop you for one second and go back to Elliot and say, Elliot, tell us the third member, the third, you know, member of your team who was not able to join us today, but we want to give him a shout out.

Elliott: [00:04:44] Yeah, I mean, I a big shout out Eric Peabody is a principal at Taylor Design. I'd say architect, analytic, even like healthcare strategy guru. And he's sort of a brilliant person. and a really down to earth guy, can’t make it today, but has been a part of this research as we've kind of chugged along and yeah, he's been great.

CCB: [00:05:05] Perfect, and this will remind me to tell all of our listeners that on the ONEder Grant page, there is a section for Taylor Design and this particular research, And you'll be able to find the full research report. You'll be able to find the podcast, and links to all of the folks, so that you'll be able to make more connections should you like to do that. Okay, so we got you here. There's a big health care umbrella around this research and tell us, like, what's the topic, why this topic, what made this time and this kind of content relevant for you all?

Elliott: [00:05:53] Aaron you want, do you want me to take that one first?

Aaron: [00:05:55] Yeah. Dive right in, Elliot.

Elliott: [00:05:57] Yeah, I mean, this topic is fascinating for many reasons. And I think for us, for us, one, it's a major sort of shift in the health care world that is, is not necessarily that new, but is becoming very new because of reimbursement strategies, and people thinking about moving inpatient care, what traditionally was inpatient care to home, which has been really fascinating around, you know, at least the United States. So, there's a couple, for us, the topic of thinking about the experience of care delivery in a new way, and especially as we think about, well, the physical space now from a hospital setting to a home setting. And what does that mean for, what does that mean for providers? What does that mean for patients now having medical equipment in their home? You know, our lens of experience is changing and will continue to change, maybe in unexpected ways. And so for us, we really one, wanted to think about the physical space as it relates to people's homes. And you'll see probably in the research some of that's there, and some of it's more experience related too. Aaron mentioned this earlier, but we both get, and our team gets, really excited about thinking about the experience of care as it's delivered. Whether that be, you know, agnostic to space or whether that be thinking about how people touch technology, or like, do they need to go to the bathroom, right? So, things like that. And number three is, we, we're big on exploring new research methods. So, if you do, you know, hopefully the report doesn't put you to sleep, but if you read the 50-some pages we've got, we took a different approach to a sort of a research methodology. From thinking about how we can show people things and make it more tangible for folks and get feedback on those tangible aspects of care delivery, so that we can really kind of dive deeper into insights that we might not get another way.

CCB: [00:07:57] Excellent. So, I will just give you all a heads up. It's only 56 pages. Don't get cowed by the perspective tome that you may have to manage through, because it's a report that you are going to want to download and spend a little bit more time in. You talked about kind of what did you hope to accomplish from the perspective of collecting information, but talk us through the methodology that you deployed to get at this research. And the reason why I'm asking you that specifically, is because you do some good journey mapping that carries across patient and provider.

Aaron: [00:08:42] Yeah.

Elliott: [00:08:43] Go ahead Aaron.

Aaron: [00:08:43] Yeah, I'll take this one. Well, like nearly all of our research, we begin with kind of a robust secondary exploration, a scan of what assets are available, published and written about and what can we get our hands on. That begins to frame for us, it was the world of hospital at home care. Thinking about it operationally, what are the logistics involved for health care providers as they as they seek to do this? There's regulatory considerations that occurred because of Covid. There's precedent thinking about history. So, we're trying to map the ecosystem of hospital at home care so that we have a firm footing for things that come next. With that foundation, we begin to map what we have come to understand, as the experiences for both the patient and the provider. And in that mapping, we start to see the areas of opportunity for design intervention or conceptual intervention. You know, what are the pain points, and what are the challenges, and where might we as designers with our particular niche invest ourselves? Or where are the deltas? What are the places that we're not finding resources available to learn more about? And maybe it's a good chance for us to stick our nose in there and figure out what comes of that. So, we have this kind of foundational body of research, and we've created maps visually, visual maps which are contained within the report. And from those maps we go deep again.

Elliot: [00:10:11] So we start to really understand that experience of care. And for the. purposes of this report, we really honed in on the experience of care. For providers in and around the patient's home. So, we start at that point to say like, well, what if we were to try to improve that state? So we created concepts, and with these concepts, they were brought to a level of fidelity where we could tell a story about some ideal future state. We were playing around with Midjourney AI image creation to, to create rich visuals that helped tell a convincing story about a suite of services or products within this concept. And we were then able to reengage a series of industry experts with whom we had spoken to during our first round of research. We re-engaged them and said, hey, in the future, if your providers are made available these ideas, what do you think? Are you comfortable with that? We're not testing ideas that we think are necessarily world changing. They don't, they might not even be great ideas, but simply by putting forth provocations out into the universe to test what the future might look like, we learn a lot more about what's possible because we're prototyping kind of in the scientific method, rather than just compiling a research report and pushing it over, over the publication line.

CCB: [00:11:34] First off, I want to say everyone that's listening, everyone who is a member of our ecosystem of people in different places, it starts with people. And all of us have challenges, health challenges, as you know, as they as we progress through life, all of us and all of our family members. So when I think about who the research might be interesting to, and that's part of my job to say, oh, you know, if, if this group is more interested, you might want to listen to this particular podcast or read this report and this one struck me that everyone will be interested in it because everyone has these challenges. It is about health care. And it takes the providers perspective and, you know, kind of moves forth certain recommendations or potential concepts that support the delivery to every single one of us. So, it has a very rich engagement because of who would be benefiting from whatever these suggestions are. Not only the providers because you're making their job a little bit easier, but I thought you had an interesting, simple graph that talked about the benefits and the drawbacks of health care at home. And you talked about the benefits are pretty simple, happier patients, lower costs and quality of care. But then I wanted to say, wait a minute, quality of care. Where did that cross over in the drawbacks? And there's that uncertainty that comes about from who the folks are that are delivering it, And how what the delivery system has geographic constraints and recruitment and retention. So I thought those were really pretty powerful bites to stop and say, wait a minute.

Elliott: [00:13:36] Yeah, well, Aaron, maybe I'll take the quality of care one, I think.

Aaron: [00:13:41] You just had a conversation with some folks also, that kind of talks about the, yeah.

Elliott: [00:13:47] I mean, I wish, I wish, I wish we had more time. Sometimes that means time and money, right? To dive into some of those topics you just mentioned, CCB, because to your point, we touched a little on quality of care. I think there's a lot of open questions here. Like, we are by no means hospital at home experts necessarily after this report, right, by any means. I think what's so fascinating, though, is that it seems in this total sort of environment that questions are still being asked. So, for instance, some colleagues of mine I was talking to from previous worlds were saying, well, actually, you know, we're working on a hospital at home programs. They are working with a contracting agency to come in people's homes. But does that mean I'm getting the same level of care that I would get if I, you know, if I got it from the hospital system, building it on its own. So, there's these, there's the really interesting sort of perspective, which we did not dive into in this report on different ways these care models are being developed for different types of, uh, let's say providers or other types of folks coming in and out of people's homes. So we can't necessarily talk on the quality of care in that aspect.

Elliott: [00:15:01] But people are working on it for sure, because you want it to be the same quality of care. Now, on the experience side, you also want the experience to be really good. So, though we didn't dive really deep into patient experience, even at least on the provider side, for instance, some of the folks we talked to were like, I don't know if I want to walk into some people's house, in this way or that way, or, you know, am I going to make them uncomfortable? Or, you know, “is it the right environment to be going into? Do they want me there? You know, those types of questions, I think are the stories that we got really excited about. Because there's a lot of research like you just mentioned, CCB out there that's public on this being good for patients. And we've been saying, well, wait a second, is this also good for providers? Or how will it be? That's sort of why recruitment and retention gets brought up. Geographic constraints gets brought up quite a bit because it's just logistically complicated to do some of this work. And actually, might even be more expensive than what we do today.

CCB: [00:16:01] You clearly are vocal about where you are relative to the research. I mean, this is, you are taking, you know, stabs at developing (a tool). And so, nobody's going to hold you to, like, did you answer all those questions? It was more of the, I thought it was very interesting to take that framework, and then look at the journey. And you have the patient journey and the provider journey and yes, clearly say we looked at the provider journey. And in a way, you know, you have to start with one or the othe. Because, you know, you can't do everything at the same time. So, that's very clear in your report and in the way that you're describing all of the work. So, I think you're utilizing the same set of experiential milestones. But you're just talking about well, so from the provider perspective what happens....?

Elliott: [00:16:57] Right. And Aaron and I were just talking about this earlier. You know, we. at the time we were doing this research, there's not a lot of public information about the provider side of this equation. And that's, that's one of the things we are hoping comes out of some of this, that we're trying to shed a little bit more light on. That's really important, especially in a time when we've got nurse retention issues, and a massively overstressed healthcare, employee population. And it seems remiss if we keep developing, if folks who are developing hospital at home programs and, not to say this is true, but if they miss the opportunity to create a, well, sort of wellbeing in the workforce when a new model of care is being developed, if that makes sense?

Aaron: [00:17:42] I’ll layer on to that. That potential growth for hospital at home is unknown. I think a lot of folks are really excited about the ability to move services away from the hospital. Hospitals are really expensive to build and maintain, and staff and wow, if you could shift 5% of that patient volume into their own home, we might achieve real value for the patients who do need to be there. And that's wonderful. It's complicated. It's really complicated as you pointed out in our drawbacks section, you know. And there's realities associated with where are you providing care, and what kind of broadband internet access do your patients have, and all of these considerations. But the one for the providers is, if this growth takes place at the scale that it very well might, if we look at the shift for remote work due to Covid as an example, like overnight, we shifted modes of work. Okay, let's say that happens. We are going to be faced with a whole generation or a whole community of providers that are creating new norms of where and how care is provided for patients, But also how do they do their work, where do they go to the bathroom, when they're out in the community providing care? How do they account for lost time when they're driving from patient to patient? These are the kinds of considerations that, when we were looking at, do we think about patients or do we think about providers....

Aaron: [00:19:07] There was a lot of interesting stuff about patients and there was not much about providers. There's some, but not much, as Elliott noted. And within that, some of these nuts-and-bolts experiential pieces, you know, CCB, as you pointed to. these kind of humanistic like, where do I go to the bathroom become really critical. And we need to explore that space and say, whoa, whoa, whoa. If we're going to really invest in this system of care, those things cannot be late to the game. They need to be at the fore so that you have staff who are happy and rested and yes, even comfortable when they walk into someone's home to provide care. Right?

Elliott: [00:19:45] It's a great reminder, if I could say this really fast because, and you could tell sorry, CCB, we get excited about this topic. But you know, it's a great, my dad is retired now, but is a retired eye doctor okay. And I remember these times, I'm just thinking, just bear with me here for a second, where we would sit in the car and he would dictate while I would drive home from picking me up from school, all the time. Right. And I'm just sitting there like, I don't know what he's talking about on the phone. But what's interesting is, multiply that by 100, you know, and without the systems in place, and is that a really good provider experience? Given that now we're going to be driving all over the place potentially, that's, yeah, I mean it's just a fascinating world we're entering into.

CCB: [00:20:26] It truly is. And this is where I'm going to give the plug again, to say download the report. It's going to fascinate you beyond belief. But you guys have taken us to the place which gets us to kind of, your future provider experience concepts. So, you came up with a number of concepts and some of them I gave you high marks for innovation earlier in this conversation. Just like, wow, merging what is possible with what might be possible. You did some pretty, pretty fascinating work. So how about if you take us through the concepts, however deeply you'd like to.

Elliott [00:21:05] You want to start Aaron, or do you want me to?

Aaron: [00:21:07] I'll let you start.

Elliott: [00:21:08] Okay? Yeah, I think we touched on this a little. You'll see in the report we picked sort of a couple pain points that we observed and projected out a little bit in a sort of a speculative way, which isn't always exactly what we do in our experience, design work when we're helping design new experiences for today. But for the purpose of this research report, we wanted to get people's sort of first blush opinions on different concepts. So one concept we have, which you'll see in the report was really about which we call Drive was a thought on how do you solve the complexities of logistics. And it's about autonomous and on demand transportation for, for hospital at home providers. And actually, that had more to do with, well, what happens when people are driving around. And are they going to be collaborative? And how are they going to work together? So. you're imagining, like pathways in the hallway when you're in a hospital, you know, nurses and other providers are talking to each other. How can you replicate that in a nomadic sort of world? And that was a speculation on autonomous vehicles. And if that indeed becomes more prolific, are people then being picked up and being able to do work while they're in a car? Can they talk to each other? Can they collaborate? Things like that? The second one we got kind of excited about, and we're really interested to hear people's opinions on, was called Included Health.

Aaron: [00:22:31] These are all obviously fake names for the purposes of getting feedback, which was about transportation of equipment. Providers being sort of being able to easily deliver on demand efficient medical equipment. Now, this has been a problem in the healthcare system for, since the dawn of time, you know, is is the efficiency of equipment delivery and all of that good stuff. And we're saying, well, what if you piggybacked that with a company like Amazon and you were able to get things as efficiently as that happens? And that concept was fascinating to get feedback on. We can get into it if we want to in a little more detail. But it was, you know, I think Aaron and I had assumptions that people won't like Amazon doing things like that in the future, And that that wasn't the case after all. Almost everyone we talked to was like, great, have them do that. You know?

CCB: [00:23:20] I can't even imagine why they wouldn't.

Elliott: [00:23:24] Yeah, I mean, it for all for, you know, it's more complex obviously. Right. But like, oh go ahead Aaron. Sorry.

Aaron: [00:23:29] Like I figured I'll pick up the last two. Yeah. Yeah. The first two were really about logistics and transportation, kind of solving for how do we get places and what happens while we're getting there. And the second, to really kind of come back to that core thing of like, where do I go to the bathroom? Or what are the what are the spaces that may be provided out in the community that replicate the physician's lounge or the hallway or the break room or the bathroom? The third concept we produced, we were calling Medi, and it is a series of storefronts that are built out, out in the community that function as kind of remote physicians lounges. And, and they then also become an investment in that community. But it relies upon a certain density of providers within a geographic region to come and use it. And some of the feedback we got on that was like, if there's two people in there, I'm not going to go. So it was one of those ideas that was a little, the reception was a little more flat than we may have anticipated.

Elliot: [00:24:26] And in that response, we learned a ton about, like, the need for critical mass of people in a space to really serve a purpose for socialization or collaboration. Our final concept is called Haven, and it takes the idea of Medi, which are these lounges, but it becomes more networked. So, in this scenario we were saying that local businesses could join part of a consortium or a constellation of available spaces, bathrooms, lockers for pickup. But they tag themselves as available providers, and perhaps there's a way that, you know, peers can leave reviews around the cleanliness of the bathroom or the quality of the coffee. And so for providers who are going out in the community, they have the assurance and the confidence that the spaces that they need to do their work outside of clinical care, are available to them and are reliable. Really, really reinforcing that consistency outside of care is a fundamental need for for these physicians and nurses and folks. So, those are the four concepts that we developed to test with our experts.

Elliott: [00:25:38] I think what's so, what's so at least for us, as like an inquiry. There's like a, there's an interesting thread that goes through all of these. And it's essentially that, you know, one, of course, it's about provider experience. But two, it's where sort of architectural worlds and technology worlds and people and service delivery meet. And that's why all of these are a little different, you know, and also that they, you know, kind of consider a breadth of ecosystem. And I know KB, you were mentioning that a little earlier today, which is how do we think of solutions holistically, you know, in the future.

CCB: [00:26:12] So well, I would step back again and say the elephant that you decided to tackle is, is a very, very large challenge. And so to start to start developing concepts to allow people to interact with feedback, you know, just consider you did some fairly robust conversations. And I wondered in all those conversations, what was the most surprising thing you heard? Elliot came back and said, you're not going to believe this, but, and Aaron said, I heard.

Aaron: [00:26:48] Well, I mean, maybe I could start off as we were really fortunate in being able to engage with a really wide range of professionals, and one of whom was a medical provider from a really rural setting. And her assessment of the autonomous vehicles, for instance, was just a deep, abiding discomfort. It was “round where I'm from, you know, I've taken ...” her story was that she's taken an Uber once when she went to a conference. It just really highlighted that the that the, the, the, the specific considerations of where care is provided and the community of providers that do that care, will super influence what the right fit is. You know, Elliot was mentioning before being in conversation with different folks who are trying to get hospital at home up and running, and it's certainly not a one size fit all solution. And as technology and services roll out, there's going to need to be a great deal of consideration around is that service, in fact appropriate for the people who deliver the care, not just for the care that needs to take plac.? So. I thought that was a really, really fascinating response.

Elliott: [00:27:56] Yeah, I agree, I totally I totally agree with Aaron. I also there are a lot of surprising things to it. You know, after people give you feedback, you're always like, oh yeah, that's a great idea. Just out of curiosity, and then people are, just like Aaron said, they're like, I don't, know if, I don't want to be in a driverless vehicle, especially not right now. And we live in near San Francisco, right. And there's all sorts of issues right now with Cruise and others. But, you know, for me, I don't know if this is necessarily surprising, but it is reinforcing. Which is that, man, the workforce crisis in health care is a, is a tough one. And it's full of complexity and diversity challenges and you know, wellbeing challenges. And our workplace is shifting from a place to a hybrid place, you know, and it's time to pay attention to it more than we have. And that's not a new story necessarily. But it does say, it feels like after Covid, that everybody's paying attention, and it sort of subsided. And now we're just, this was an interesting reminder, to say, oh, well, now more than ever is the time to focus. And that to me is, is really.

CCB: [00:29:11] It's interesting to look at, you know, there's all sorts of data in your report and there's all sorts of research references so that you if you had the interest in going down a rabbit hole, you could actually do that. One could. But the the nature of people left the workplace. And we learned how you actually could work remotely, and technology needed to catch up. And we needed to understand different behavior requirement. In health care when they closed down hospitals, and you couldn't get your resources, your health care resources, because they were filled with Covid patients and, and providers and insurance companies figured out ways that remote conversations could take place, and telehealth and telemedicine got a little bit more robust. And there was there was movement, if you will, to your point, in people's experiences and ability to accept because now you actually have done some of these things. And yes, people are going to feel one way or the other, you know, as they move along that experiential curve. However, I think nothing happens unless people try things. You know, we had like a leverage point, you know, a tipping point, if you will, to go, oh, well, you could try this now. So, it's amazing, amazingly fascinating and informational research that you all have done. And the concepts will make people think, without a doubt. I want to know what y'all are going to do with this at Taylor moving forward, Do you just finish this little report and put it away in a filing cabinet or an archive folder? What?

Elliott: [00:30:43] Yeah, exactly. Actually I think I think for us it's a great starting place, especially as we think about our own health design studio. And as we think about the health related projects that Taylor Design focuses on, we've already seen it be really helpful as we've got some of the folks say, like Eric, who's not here today, working on master planning projects with health systems as we help influence and use extra research to think about big trends in in hospital at home care. Um, which as you know, these projects can be in planning for 30 years out. So this is the right time to be doing that in a really interesting, you know, use case. I mean, we're hoping this helps us, you know, explore more conversations with folks, folks like you all and others who are really kind of diving deep into the experience of care for a hospital at home patients and, you know, contribute to a body of knowledge, or at least the beginning of one, you know, that is more accessible. Yeah, that's I think, why we're so excited that it's public at least. And, well.

CCB: [00:31:46] We're excited as well. And I understand you actually have submitted it for some potential conversations in broader bodies or conferences, which is fantastic and does exactly what we always want the ONEder Grant to do. Move you all forward and take concepts and design ideas for experience and or space to go. What else can we do? So I'm going to say thank you very much, Aaron and Elliot from Taylor Design for joining us on The Oneder podcast, repeating to all of our listeners that you can find all of this information on the ONEder Grant page for Taylor Design, and know that Your ONEder podcast is available on all streaming services. So look for it, like it, and listen to as many of them as you possibly can. Thanks so much! Bye bye.


CCB: [00:00:16] Welcome to the ONEder Podcast. I'm your host, CCB. Today, we have one of our ONEder Grant recipient teams from 2023. Joining us are two individuals from Taylor Design, and I'm thrilled to have them here. Let's have them introduce themselves. But first, for those unfamiliar with the ONEder Grant, it's our fifth year running this program at one workplace. We offer financial grants to design firms advancing insights, research, and solutions for human interaction with the built environment. Each year, we focus on a specific theme, like last year's well-being in various environments. Taylor Design has intriguing research and solutions to share with us, particularly in healthcare. Welcome to the ONEder Podcast. Who would like to introduce themselves first?

Aaron: [00:01:37] Sure, it's great to be here. I'm Aaron, along with Elliot, representing Taylor Design. I'm our director of strategy and experience design. My background is in healthcare, with over ten years' experience in service experience and strategy design at institutions like Cleveland Clinic. I hold a master's in health administration and interaction design. Happy to be part of the Taylor Design team.

CCB: [00:02:49] Excellent. Welcome, Aaron. Now, Elliot, please introduce yourself.

Elliot: [00:03:11] Hi, I'm Elliot Wortham, also from Taylor Design. I've been in the healthcare sector for years, focusing on strategy and experience design. I hold a master's in interaction design and health administration. Taylor Design is committed to empowering people through design across various sectors.

CCB: [00:04:44] Elliot, could you tell us about the third member of your team who couldn't join us today?

Aaron: [00:04:59] Sure, a big shout-out to Eric Peabody, a principal at Taylor Design and a healthcare strategy expert. He's been integral to our research efforts.

CCB: [00:05:05] Thanks for acknowledging Eric. Now, let's delve into your research. Why did you choose the topic of well-being in the built environment, and why is it relevant now?

Aaron: [00:05:57] This topic is crucial, especially with the shift towards home-based care and its implications for providers and patients. Our interest lies in exploring how the physical space affects care delivery in homes and how it impacts providers and patients' experiences.

CCB: [00:07:57] Could you discuss your research methodology and how you approached the provider and patient journey mapping?

Elliot: [00:08:43] Our research began with a comprehensive review of existing literature and data on hospital-at-home care. We then mapped the experiences of both patients and providers to identify pain points and opportunities for design interventions. We developed concepts to address these issues and tested them with industry experts to gather feedback.

CCB: [00:11:34] Your report outlines various benefits and drawbacks of healthcare at home. Could you elaborate on some surprising findings?

Aaron: [00:13:41] One surprising aspect was providers' discomfort with autonomous vehicles for transportation, highlighting the need to consider local contexts and preferences. Additionally, feedback on involving companies like Amazon in efficient medical equipment delivery was more positive than expected.

CCB: [00:17:42] What's your takeaway from the research, particularly regarding the challenges facing healthcare providers?

Elliot: [00:19:07] We discovered the complexity of workforce challenges in healthcare, emphasizing the need for holistic solutions that prioritize providers' well-being and address logistical issues like transportation and workspace availability.

CCB: [00:21:08] Can you discuss the concepts you developed to improve provider experience, and how do you plan to utilize this research at Taylor Design?

Aaron: [00:22:31] We developed concepts like autonomous transportation and efficient medical equipment delivery to address logistical challenges. Another concept, Haven, envisions networked community spaces for providers. We plan to incorporate these insights into our design projects and continue exploring innovative solutions for healthcare environments.

CCB: [00:26:48] Your research sheds light on critical issues in healthcare. How do you envision leveraging this knowledge moving forward?

Aaron: [00:30:43] We aim to integrate our findings into ongoing design projects and engage in conversations with industry partners to further explore the implications of hospital-at-home care. By sharing our research publicly, we hope to contribute to a broader understanding of healthcare design and inspire future innovations.

CCB: [00:31:46] Your work is both informative and inspiring. Thank you for joining us today and sharing your insights. We look forward to seeing how your research shapes the future of healthcare design.